Tag: Git

  • Installing GitLab in your local network or your own PC and setting it up to work perfectly

    GitLab is a self hosted GitHub like software. Here I offer you my personal experience in installing and configuring it to work perfectly in a local network.

  • WebIssues: Easier Issue Tracking

    When we started developing software systems at Sanmark Solutions, we always felt the need to have a proper issue tracking system. So I read about, downloaded, installed and tested many of the well reputed issue tracking systems such as BugZilla, MantisBT and few others. But finally WebIssues was the solution!

  • Git Clone from Linux to Windows through Local Network

    Earlier, I blogged about how to clone a Git repository from Windows to Linux through a local network. Now, I think it’s necessary that I should write something about the other way around, which is cloning a Git repository in a shared directory of a Linux machine to a machine using Windows. This is how…

  • Git Clone from Windows to Linux through Local Network

    Working on a project at Sanmark Solutions, I encountered a situation where I needed to clone a Git repository placed in a shared directory in a Windows machine into a working directory in a Linux machine. First I tried to do it with SSH, but I wasn’t successful. I guess that’s because I am not…

  • 2012 In Review

    I think it’s time for me to restart blogging again. Not that I have a huge reader base eagerly waiting to consume stuff that I might put in my blog, rather I should restart it for the purpose of sharing what I learn, that I think would be needed by me again at some pant…